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Stay Chosin Foundation is a family run, nonprofit organization that started after the tragic loss of our beloved son and brother SPC Anthony Hongach. AJ served his first tour in Korea and was then deployed for his second tour in Afghanistan where he served in the Global War on Terror in Operation Enduring Freedom as a machine gun crewman and gunner. During his service in Afghanistan, AJ earned the Army Achievement Medal, the Combat Infantry Badge, as well as the Army Commendation Medal for his service in task force Chosin and his commitment to Mission Accomplishment in a combat zone. AJ’s honorable service and dedication to task force Chosin is the inspiration for our nonprofit name and philosophy to serve those who served us. After AJ’s tour in Afghanistan, he selflessly signed up for another two tours as private security detail and when he returned home, he struggled with severe symptoms of PTSD.

AJ lost his battle with PTSD on February 17th, 2021. It was through this tragic loss that we realized that we had to do something to help our soldiers, veterans, and their families recover as we have more soldiers dying at home than in war. Donations are greatly appreciated to help us deliver resources and financial assistance to our veterans in need or seeking treatment for mental health and addiction. We believe with your help that we can build something that will truly make a difference in the lives of those who served and help #EndTheWarAtHome.
