Who We Are

Our Mission

To provide support, assistance, and resources to our Veterans and their families. To bring awareness to our soldiers suffering from PTSD, homelessness and substance use disorder. And to honor, remember and give care to all those who served.

Our Goals

  • Bridge the gap between communities and those who served

  • Provide funds for our soldiers who need mental health and substance use treatment

  • Provide funds to remove barriers such as housing, clothing, food, medications, treatment costs, etc.

  • Make available PTSD and substance abuse information and resources to military family members to offer guidance on how to help your loved one

  • Advocate for policy change

  • Offer peer to peer veteran support and family support

Why Help?

Our soldiers have sacrificed a great deal to defend our liberties and provide security to our country. The return home is not an easy adjustment and many of the men and women who served, as well as their families continue to pay the price of war. Between physical injuries, Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), mental health crises, addiction, homelessness, and instability there is much work to do in order to help assist our veterans and their families recover.

Currently, we have more of our soldiers dying at home than in war. Due to the tragic loss of our beloved son and brother, SPC Anthony Hongach in 2021, we understand how critical this issue is. With the support systems overwhelmed, many of our soldiers are not getting the proper assistance that they need, and many are going uncared for. We believe that it is our duty to help our soldiers, as they have sacrificed so much for us.

Help Us Fight To #EndTheWarAtHome

In Loving Memory of Anthony Gelardi Hongach